Once you have created an Estimate you can easily convert your work into a Job. In the article "How to send an Estimate for Approval" we saw how your estimates will automatically turn into a Job once a client hits Approve on their emailed Estimates. However, for situations where you may have received verbal approval from your client you can also manually convert your Estimate to a Job by following the steps below:
- Select Estimates and Jobs from the Navigation Pane
- Tap on the Estimate you wish to approve
- Tap on the three-dot menu on the top right
- Select Approve as Job.
- Hit Approve to confirm your approval.
Changing Jobs back to an Estimate
If your client changes the scope of the project and would like you to resend your proposal, you can simply convert your Job back to an Estimate. To do this, click on the Jobs tab of the Estimates and Jobs screen and tap on the three-dot menu button at the side of the Job, and select Convert to Estimate from the Pop-up menu.
Job Details Page
Once you convert your approved estimate into a Job, you will now be able to access it by hitting the Jobs tab at the top of the Estimates and Jobs screen. You will be able to see all of the information pertaining to a Job by simply tapping on it and arriving on the Job Details screen. Here, you will be able to get the information on the job, add services, schedule the job, create timesheets and invoice the job all from one screen when you click on each of the tabs at the top of the screen.