jobs estimate builder Services Service templates How to create a Service Template

In this article, we will walk you through creating templates for the services you frequently offer to your customers. Setting up your service templates will allow you to quickly add your services to your estimates and jobs thus reducing the amount of time it takes to create a proposal for your customers. 

In Gro, you will need to add your services e.g. mowing or bed maintenance to your Estimates so it is recommended that you create your service templates before moving on to creating estimate builder templates. To create a template for a new service, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Templates in the Navigation Pane
  2. Select Services
  3. Click on +SERVICE.
  4. Fill in the name of this service.
  5. When setting up the service, you can choose how you would like to invoice this service i.e. Fixed Price, Recurring or Per Visit.
    • Fixed Price: This will be one price for the customers to pay for the service, an example would be an invoice of $5,000 to set patio pavers.
    • Recurring: If you select recurring, a recurring invoice will be generated either weekly or monthly for customers to pay for the service, for example, a recurring invoice of $100/month for a lawn mowing service.
    • Per visit : This could be used when a visit has been completed at the jobsite, for example, a per visit invoice of $150/visit for beds maintenance.
    • Remember, there is no right or wrong way to set up the invoicing for your services. How you set up your invoicing for your services depends on your personal preference.
  6. Fill in the remaining details such as the description, quantity and unit price.
  7. Hit Done and Save to confirm.



Once you have created your Service, your service template will appear on the template Services screen. On this screen, you can edit or delete a service by simply tapping on it. You can also use the bar at the top to search or sort your service templates.




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