jobs fixed-price Invoices How to create a new Invoice for an existing fixed price job

How to create an Invoice for an existing job

  1. Select Invoices from the navigation pane.
  2. Tap the +Invoice button.
  3. Select a contact from the dropdown box or tap the +” button to create a new contact for the invoice.
  4. Tap the Apply to an existing job button
  5. Select your Job from the dropdown box
  6. Once you tap on the Job, the jobsite, the person and invoice date, and due date information gets automatically populated
  7. You will be asked if you would like to:
      • Build an Invoice from scratch
      • Invoice per visit job tasks or
      • Invoice a % of Fixed Price job tasks: This option allows you to charge a portion of the total price for instance, in cases where you may require a downpayment or you may be doing progress billing.
  8. Tap Next to confirm the information above


  9. To populate the Line Items on the invoice tap the +Line Item button.
  10. Enter the Item Info i.e. the service you are billing, the date, description, quantity, and unit price
  11. Click Done to confirm.
  12. Once you have added all of the line items to the invoice, tap on the 3 dots on the top right-hand side of the screen. Click Approve.


  13. To view the invoice, return to the invoice screen by tapping the back arrow at the top of the screen.
  14. Once your invoice has been marked approved, tap the three-dot menu at the right-hand side of the invoice to:
      • Send to customers by Email
      • Download as a PDF
      • Mark as a Bad Debt
      • Delete

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